Saturday, January 24, 2009

New to the blogging world

I got this idea from my cousin Nikki. I decided that Jackson is at the age that he is saying and doing really funny things and i know the whole world wants to know about it.

So here goes world........

The other day Jackson and I were running errands but not only did i have to carry him my purse and a sippy cup. We had to add a mini basketball into the mix. He says ball and NO, a lot and we were unable to leave the house without the basketball. Although this is totally a trait that pulls at my heart strings, its hard to carry a 25lbs child and all the extras. I just hope that he continues this basketball passion, because there nothing better than all the years i played, OK maybe getting married and having Jackson beat that, but its a close three way tie. bloggy soon.

1 comment:

  1. Jackson is so cute!! I'm glad you started a blog so that I can see pictures of him as he grows up! We should all get together for dinner or something sometime soon so you can meet Kaeden and I can see Jackson again! :)
