Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We had a wonderful Easter. We decorated eggs, and dyed our hand in the process. We hunted for eggs at the "Weldon Farm" and had oh so much fun. Can't wait for next year, maybe i will actually get some candy. Mommy says "NO" to that one.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What do we do on the 1st 70 degree day in Michigan? Good question I will tell you. We get home from work and automatically spend 3 hours outside, kicking a ball around, collecting rocks in a pail, and oh yes, how could I forget, we eat spider webs. Yes you read it correctly the first time. I was completely disgusted with the situation and Jeremy thought it was pretty comical. Oh his son is a real boy. uuuuuuuuuggghhh.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

So here is how I know that our son has to much testosterone. Jackson is really into hitting his head and laughing. Talking to Auntie Linz on the phone, and Jackson is whacking himself in the head and laughing hysterically. Then this morning I am getting Bella from outside and he is hitting his head on the glass door, giggling. BOYS!!!!! I try not to laugh and encourage this but seriously, boys.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Toy

We saw this chalk board easel at Meijer and it was on sale, so we thought why not. My parents had Jackson over the weekend and he tried to bring home with him the easel that once was Aunt Lindsey's. They said that he loved it. And "oh my" does he ever. He pulls up his little chair and becomes Picasso. TOO cute.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Family Member

In 1 week we will be having a new addition to the family. Jeremy's parents have adopted a little girl, Lily, from Guatemala. It has been a long drawn out process and she will finally be coming home. I will post a picture when I have one.

New to the blogging world

I got this idea from my cousin Nikki. I decided that Jackson is at the age that he is saying and doing really funny things and i know the whole world wants to know about it.

So here goes world........

The other day Jackson and I were running errands but not only did i have to carry him my purse and a sippy cup. We had to add a mini basketball into the mix. He says ball and NO, a lot and we were unable to leave the house without the basketball. Although this is totally a trait that pulls at my heart strings, its hard to carry a 25lbs child and all the extras. I just hope that he continues this basketball passion, because there nothing better than all the years i played, OK maybe getting married and having Jackson beat that, but its a close three way tie. bloggy soon.